some YouTube channels I like
In no particular order: Tatiana Hopper Dan Milnor/Shifter Matt Day Alex Kilbee/The photographic eye Lucy Lumen Graincheck Grainy Days One...

mk II - plus ...
... Ismail Ferdous in Cox's Bazar, from the Guardian, his archives, and from photo agency VU'

final random shot from Colombia (Carthagena)
Mostly though, you should definitely check out Dolorès Marat, from the Guardian Likewise from the Guardian, a brief feature on Diane...

POTD, plus pics from 70's Greenland
... courtesy of 35mmc.com

wow !!! check out ...
Kaj O'Connell's An American Cloud - and discussing it on YouTube

last of the Colombian bunch
... and a feature on Photo fest Cortona on the Move and their own website Clayton Patterson (who features in that really cool street...

Islas del Rosario, Colombia, and a few other bits
Check out Paulie b's newest installment of Walkie-Talkie - just love Aaron Berger Thomas Broening's sobering, actually quite chilling...

... and the next, yesterday, in Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta
... a bit cliché I know, but wonderful nonetheless to see these stunning birds flying around freely, and to try my hand at animal...